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047 Richard Morgan

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Allowing the Ease of Nature

In his typically candid yet insightful manner, Richard shares his journey from lawn gardener, to gardener of the human spirit, from rampant convincing to simply embracing and loving, from a quest of endlessly searching to open-minded curiosity and exploring.
In this conversation you’ll also discover just how ‘selfishly’ Richard is always looking to bring joy and fulfilment into each and every moment.

Here’s a little more about Richard:

Richard is a gardener, both figuratively and literally, in his approach to life. Having grown up in and later run a horticultural service business for most of his life, his approach is to not fight what is but to work with and understand the environment in which we wish to grow.
Each of us is here to flower and bear some fruit and it is this work of gardening the human spirit which is the core of his coaching work.
He has worked with clients from 9 different countries from the bottom to the top of the economic scale and still the garden grows.
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